Today we're going to review some basics of HTML and CSS and build a template for a web service that we will use as the basis for assignments in the upcoming weeks.


Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications.

HTML documents are made up of HTML Elements which describe the structure, layout and type of content contained within them.


HTML have four components.

Like other markup languages, HTML uses angle brackets <tag> to divide a page into tags.

Tags describe the type of content that is added.

Most elements have an open tag and closing tag.


The content always goes in between the tag. This can include text, and other HTML elements.

Inside of the tags attributes are used to add information or functionality to elements with a name and value pair.

HTML elements are nested inside each other to create simple and complex structures. If an HTML tag is opened inside of another HTML tag, it must be closed before it's parent tag is closed.



CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It was first proposed in 1994 to define visual styles for HTML pages on the World Wide Web but took time to gain acceptance, though eventually becoming standard.

"Cascading" refers to the way the style are implemented, with external, internal and inline style rules being applied to pages in order.


CSS uses selectors to target elements and add visual styles. Any HTML element, such as body or p can be used as a CSS selector, although the default styles and behaviors of HTML elements vary. Every selector has one or multiple values that define a corresponding property.

CSS defines rules for the colors, fonts, dimensions and positions of elements on a web page.

Stylesheet link

There are three ways to include CSS styles in an HTML document.

External stylesheets are linked into the HTML page by a tag. These styles can be applied to multiple HTML pages:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />


Internal stylesheets can be added anywhere inside of an HTML document, using the style tag, but are typically found in the <head> section. These styles will only apply to elements on a single page, but will apply to all elements of that page.

	a { color: pink; }
	a:hover { color: blue; }


Inline styles are added inside of an HTML element as an attribute and will apply to that element only.

<div style="background:blue;padding:5px;"></div>


Classes describe a basic set of styles that can be applied multiple tags in an HTML page. In HTML a class is added to an element with the class attribute.

<div class="content"></div>

Classes can be applied to multiple elements in a layout and multiple classes can be applied to one element:

<div class="content post active"></div>
<div class="content post"></div>
<div class="content post"></div>
.content {
	background-color: lightgray;
	font-size: 1em;
	width: 40px;

.active {
	border: 1px solid blue;


IDs can only be used once, on one element:

<div id="header"></div>
<div id="main"></div>

Classes and IDs can be contained in the same div:

<div id="header" class="content"></div>
<div id="main" class="content post"></div>

In CSS, rules for classes use a period or full stop . while IDs use the hashtag #.

#menu {
	background-color: gray;
	font-size: 2em;
	height: 60px;

Nested selectors

We can also use the relationships between HTML elements to create styles. An element that is a child of another element can be selected with a space between two selector tags. For example, the following HTML:

	<li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
	<li><a href="about.html">About</a></li>

Can be styled with the following rules:

ul {
	width: 200px;
	height: 20px;
	list-style: none;

ul li {
	display: inline;

ul li a {
	color: blue;

ul li a:hover {
	color: darkblue;

Pseudo selectors

a:hover { } is a pseudo selector. Pseudo selectors refer to interactive states that change after the page is loaded. :hover is when the mouse hovers over an element.

:visited, :active and :focus are other common pseudo selectors.

Box model

The position, size and layout of HTML elements is determined by the CSS box model, the display property and floats. Without these rules, HTML pages are rendered in the order of the elements from the top to the bottom.

All block HTML elements can be assigned properties for their border, padding and margin, as well as width and height to describe the dimensions of the content.

The padding area has the color of the background of the element.

The margin area is transparent.


Measurement properties in CSS can use several different units.

Pixels are absolute units, referring to the exact number of pixels of the device screen.

border-width: 10px;

The em unit is relative to the base font-size of the document. If the document font-size is 14px, 1em is 14px.

margin-top: 1em;

Percentage units refer to the percentage of the containing element, typically the body or document window width.

width: 50%;

The width and height of each block element can also be set in px, em or %.

HTML elements without width or height properties will expand to fit the content inside of them.

em vs rem

rem is a more recent unit which stands for root em. The difference is that em is relative to the current element's font size, where as rem is relative to the base font size for the document.

body {
	font-size: 20px;

#main {
	font-size: 2em;

#main .post {
	font-size: 1em; /* will be 40px or 2 * base size */

#main #menu {
	font-size: 1rem; /* will be 20px or 1 * base size */

vw and vh

vw and vh are relative units that refer to the size of the browser.

1vw is 1% of the viewport width.

These units are still not fully supported but can be useful for creating grid layouts and resposive typography.

vmin and vmax can also be used to refer to the smaller and largers dimensions to account for portrait and landcape views on mobile devices.

Display property

The display property determines the horizontal space of each element. Elements with display: block; will take up the entire width of the page, their own “block”. Block elements can be assigned box model properties. Inline elements can not. Elements that default to block display include h1-h6, div, ul, li, p and others. Default inline elements include span, em, strong and a.

Block display.

Inline display.

Elements can also be set to display: none; which makes them not appear in the layout. This has advantages that we’ll look at next class in combination with pseudo tags. There are also hybrid elements like inline-block, which allows an inline element to be given padding, margin and border, as well as width and height.

Transition and animation

CSS3 has introduced experimental features which have gained near universal support for doing simple animations and transition with CSS, which used to only be available with JavaScript.

a:hover { transition: color 1s ease-in-out; }

Animations use the same transition syntax with keyframes.